14 November 2007

Places I've been

I love Google maps. When it first came I spent many hours just looking at different places. Then when the satellite feature came out I spent even more time on it. I've made a map of some places that I've visited. I plan to add pictures to it eventaully. But slow internet makes that process, well, slow. Enjoy...

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  • This list is by no means comprehensive.
  • Most of the dates are pretty close but not exact.
  • Some of the locations may be way off. I didn't spend too much time perfecting them. (slow internet)
  • It is a fully functional google map so you can drag the above and click on all the markers
  • Blue means I have only been there once or a few times. Yellow means I've been there quite a bit. And green means I lived there for a while.


Drew said...

The red markers are where I visited quite a few times not yellow.

Christy said...

I feel like I should do my own google maps places I've been page. That's really neat!