29 November 2007

Crazy Dogs

I know next to nothing about the mating habits of dogs. However one of the neighborhood females is in heat so I'm getting an uninvited lesson. For the past 4 nights there has been a lot of barking and growling, sometimes very near our bedroom window. This occurs between 2100 and 0300 or 0400. Needless to say it can make for some very long nights. There is one dog in particular that has a very peculiar growl. The only description I can give is that it sounds like a demon. After hearing the demon dog last night at around 2100 and hoping that I could get a long nights sleep I went outside to scare it away. I grabbed a long stick and a flashlight for a bit of security. I went around our house to see a small pack of dogs, maybe 5, and a lot of growling and biting. The only dog I recognized was Rocky. And it seemed like he was being attacked by two or three other dogs. Hoping to break up the pack I yelled really loud and hit the stick on the ground as hard as I could. This scared the dogs a little but it also broke my stick. So much for security. At about the same time our neighbor, Eugene, emerged from his house and scared the dogs a little further. Our neighbors house has a street on two sides and between the house and the street are some bushes that act as a fence. As I approached the dogs with my broken stick they ran through the bushes out onto the street. I pursued out of curiosity and to see if I could further scare away the dogs that where attacking Rocky. As I emerged onto the street I saw an image that will be forever burned into my head. About 15 feet ahead of me was Rocky. He was viciously fighting two dogs at the same time. The amazing thing was that his penis was in a female dog that was trying to run the opposite direction. When I saw this I stopped pursuing thinking that Rockies problems where way beyond me. Just then a car drives by and with help from the headlights I see more vividly what I had seen before. The car also scared away the attacking dogs. Rocky and the bitch (c'mon it's a female dog that's what there called!) were trying to unattach. I still couldn't believe my eyes. I was not going to help Rocky with this problem. After a few seconds a dog resumed attacking Rocky. At about the same time Rocky was freed from his date and ran home, while the attacking dog and the bitch ran off together.

After seeing all this I was sure that Rockies days as a stud were over. There is no way that he could perform his male duties after the strain he put on his reproductive organs. I was surprised this morning then when I once again heard growling and barking in the back yard. I went out side to see what was happening. In front of me was a scene exactly the same as last night. Only this time I could see everything. Rocky was attached to the same dog. While fighting off two or three other dogs. Having nothing to fight with I walked towards them while yelling and making a lot of noise. I managed to scare the other dogs away but Rocky was still attached to this other dog. The bitch had dragged Rocky into the bushes that bordered the street and it sounded like she was getting attacked on the other side. They finally parted ways and I got a good look at Rocky. He had scratches and blood all over him. From the blood stains on his teeth it seemed as though he had given and received quite a beating.

The whole situation still makes me speechless. The only conclusion I can draw is that Oliver will be an inside dog while he is under our care.


Eric said...

I must say, it's about time you learned about the birds and the bees. However, you might need a little polishing of the vocabulary. :)

Christy said...

ummmm... That was quite descriptive. I once saw two dogs humping when I was about 10 years old and thought it was the weirdest, grossest, coolest, most fascinating thing ever. hehe

Rae said...

actually, this is a common practice amongst wild dogs...when i was younger, kids would always pull apart the dogs when they got "stuck" together, but i later on learned that this is natural...little anatomy lesson and random fact that i know, the bitch's vagina walls lock on to the stud's penis, to ensure that the semen can come out and have enough time to reach bitch's eggs. after locking on to each other, the dogs will stand butt to butt to protect themselves while the "drainage" process occurs.

Drew said...

Well rae, that's exactly what happened. The dogs were butt to butt while they were getting attacked by some other dogs. What was crazy was when they tried to run away from each other in different directions while getting attacked. It was a scene.

Janet said...

At Sharon's suggestion I popped on your blog sheet - she insisted I read your blog - my gosh, this is the start of a very interesting "porn book" - just kidding, glad you are getting a great education

Sharon said...

Hey Janet - I didn't "insist" on anything. You phoned while I was reading blog and couldn't believe what I was laughing at. I think you were more "eager" than the dogs. (Janet did your wedding flowers and is a church organist.) I have permanently revoked her blog privileges and threatened to post some of "Simon's (her dog)antics. Eric is pretty "right on" with his comments. And to all a goodnight.