30 December 2010

2010 Year in Pictures

This year we started out on two feet…


We ate quite a bit…


We brushed our teeth at least once…


And cleaned up after ourselves…


We visited exotic places…


Sometimes we had the place to ourselves…


We smiled…


We played…


We visited beautiful places…


And saw beautiful people…


Sometimes we stayed home…


And sometimes we got on a boat…


We cleaned up after fall…


We stocked up for winter…


And played when it came…


This year was special…


Next year will be too…



16 December 2010

Rocking Baby to Sleep

When Chase was younger, say a year and more ago, I wanted so badly to sit in a rocking chair and rock him to sleep. That wasn't Chase's style. He wanted to be bounced, nursed, carried in a sling, and/or walked to sleep. Eventually we got to the point where we could do a little story/hug/song/prayer routine and just lay him down and he would fall asleep on his own. And now, Sunday naps are in the jogger. But never could I cuddle him in a rocking chair as he drifted off to sleep.

Well, just over 2 weeks ago, he started a panicked scream at nap time. After a few days of struggling, and then a few days of putting him in the back pack and wearing him until he was out, I was frustrated. Note, he did just fine at bedtime on his own (well, with his meow kitty). Crazy kid. On a whim, I tried rocking him in the chair. He fell asleep in 2 minutes. Since then, after stories before nap time, he says, "wock, wock, wock,.." for rock. He and I love rocking to sleep. My wish finally came true and I'm one happy mama.

02 November 2010

30 October 2010

Sauvie Island

We went to Sauvie Island today for a romp in the mud. We had a great time and even managed to miss most of the rain.  P1040293P1040327P1040332  P1040336 P1040390 P1040391

Here is the google map of the maze we completed…


View Larger Map


Below is Chase’s costume for this year. He wore it to a Halloween party near our house.



29 September 2010

PA Visit

Chase and I(Megan) went to Pennsylvania for 2 weeks in August to visit my parents. Chase got to meet his younger cousin Ethan, and be reunited with a whole bunch of other family. Here we are with Aunt Kate and her 2 now one-year-olds, Connor and Ethan.

Connor and Chase liked running together in my parents brand new sun room.
Chase and I were the first to track mud in there.

We visited my aunt Sharon a couple times. As usual, she was prepared with toys - rocking horse, puppy, bubbles, and more. We also did some finger painting at her place.

We went to the zoo with my parents and Kate's crew. Chase got up close and personal with some animals.

Chase and my dad are good buddies.

Some male bonding

As soon as Dan realized we were in Pennsylvania, he hopped in his convertible and made the four hour drive up to see us. Our parents took us to a kid-friendly science museum.
We went to our favorite duck creek.

Chase spent a lot of time playing on my parents' stairs.

Cuddling with Grandma H.

(They wouldn't both look at the camera at the same time.)

A family gathering.

We made our way to Central Pennsylvania to visit my best friends, Corynn and Tami, and their sons, Ryan and Fynn, as well as some family and possibly some family-to-be. ;o) Chase loved having free range on the farm, especially on a tractor.

Darren, Fynn, Felicity, and Ryan anticipating the rocket launch by Tami's boyfriend and kids.

The saloon and outhouse.
The bunk house where we slept.

We had an unforgettable time in Pennsylvania, but we were thrilled to be reunited with Daddy back at home.
We've had a few adventures since our PA visit, including a sailing trip. More on that to come.

11 July 2010

Two Nights

We went camping this past weekend at Beverly Beach. This trip consisted of two nights away, a first since Chase’s arrival.

There was ample beach time (Oregon beach time is unique)…




And lots of of just relaxing in the campsite…




We slept good, we played hard, what more could you ask for?