17 September 2008

Bike Ride!

I just rode my bike from West Salem to Western Oregon University! It was a pleasant (and flat) country ride. Here's the route I took, only I started at Andrew's parents house and don't want to post their address, so I went about 2 miles less.

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I wish I brought a camera to take pictures. Now I have to ride home. Maybe a stop at Burgerville first...


Marsha said...

your east coast friends have no idea about our west coast treasure.

Marsha said...

I don't know what happened to the rest of my comment. I had also said how lucky you were to be able to eat at Burgerville. Then I said, too bad your east coast friends have no idea about our west coast treasure. Hope they can come and visit you and then go sample for themselves.

Christy said...

That'll be really nice if you can bike to work (I'm assuming that's your plan?). Great exercise and you'll save money!

Christy said...

haha - I read "2 miles less" and thought it said a little less than 2 miles. I didn't realize it was quite so far!