23 January 2008

Oliver is a new dog

When we got home from Bali the first thing we wanted to do was see our dog. We had left Oliver in the hands of some locals and even though we had complete confidence in them we still had nagging thoughts about the fact that they were locals. So we were happy to see that Oliver was not only okay but rather he'd gained quite a bit of weight and was really healthy looking. I looked up an old picture we'd taken of him and compared it to the new Oliver. Here he is...

The other difference is that he's become great friends with Rocky, the neighbor's dog. When we left they tolerated each others company but never interacted in any way. Now they are virtually inseparable. In the morning we go for a walk and Rocky accompanies us. Usually he is waiting for us by our front door. In the evening we let Oliver out and they play continuously for hours. Tug of war with some random piece of garbage is our favorite...

This was a great relief to us, as we were afraid they wouldn't get along. However new complications have arisen. Usually if Rocky hears or sees another dog he darts after it without regard for anything that is in his way, such as cars. About 50% of the time Oliver will follow along with the same reckless abandon. The other complication is that Oliver humps Rocky incessantly. This is extremely embarrassing. Many times we have been talking to a neighbor or friend and they start to do it. During one such conversation Mayleeza, our neighbor, said "They need a woman". At first we discouraged it, calling Oliver or physically separating the two. But now we've learned to accept it, though we still make an effort when we're talking with visitors.

We see this sight very often. Rocky gets the rag that they were fighting over and Oliver jumps on top. Who is the real winner?...

Overall we are still really glad they get along so well. It just going to take quite a bit of adjusting. Oliver is worth it...


Christy said...

Wow - you guys and humping animals...... weird.

Drew said...

You'll have to blame me for the humping dog pictures and dialog. Megan just rolled her eyes when she saw the post.