25 July 2007

Woah...there's a lot to post

Megan and I REALLY enjoyed Fruita, CO. After Fruita we went straight to Moab, UT. We rode the classic Rim Trail and escaped the sun and heat in the campground pool. To escape the heat in the afternoon/evening we went to see the sweetest movie of 2007..."Transformers" It really was more than meets the eye.

On Saturday 14 July we drove through Arches National Park. If you would like to visit this beautiful place do yourself a favor and don't do it in the middle of July. Beautiful but hot.

Next stop was Bridges National Monument. This was an unplanned stop as we just wanted a campsite and found this amazing place. It had Native American ruins,...


and also was a International Darksky so during the clear moonless evening we saw more stars then we had ever seen before.

Next stop Grand Canyon...

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