26 February 2008

Garbage Bag Sails

When Andrew's parents were visiting, we were on a boat ride in the ocean. We noticed sailboat in the distance, whose sails were fashioned from garbage bags, and whose base was a canoe carved from a tree trunk. I just want to make sure I remember that for a while.

Andrew and I are spending some time looking for jobs and daydreaming about when we move back to the states. Last Friday, I had a staff development day at school - no classes but 8 hours of meetings. I talked another teacher (who knits), into sitting next to me and discretely showing me how to knit throughout the day. Over the weekend, I bought some cotton yarn and made a few wash clothes for the kitchen.


Christy said...

lol - when I was 9 months pregnant, I got so bored I tried to learn to crochet. Except I didn't really have the patience (since I was 9 months pregnant). So I still don't know how. You must've had better luck than me when you learned knitting!

Herm said...

From Marsha: Megan, I can crochet if you want to learn how to do that, too. And don't worry, I have plenty of that cotton yarn, so you can make enough washclothes for yourself, gifts, etc.

Sharon said...

Megan, I know how to knit. I have no great accomplishments, but a few things turned out well. Cousin Ruth can really knit. You're always extending your horizons. Of course, boring meetings are great motivators.