On Wednesday February 6th my parents arrived in Pohnpei. Megan and I took most of the time off from school so we had a mini vacation too. We borrowed a car from some very generous friends here, so we were able to see some new things too. One thing that was really eye opening for me was that nearly everything here is interesting to an American. Especially an American who has never visited a warm, wet tropical island. The first day we mostly just drove around and made dinner but to my parents it was an exciting experience. Every plant in Pohnpei seems to have super sized leaves. I've noticed it myself but when you come here to live the first things you worry about are getting some food, finding out how to get to work, and learning to get around town. But when your a visitor you can just observe and stand in awe at the beauty. So it was really refreshing to see Pohnpei through a tourists eyes.
Here is a rough timeline of our doings.
- Wednesday: Arrived Wednesday 6 February at 1300. Sushi and Sashimi Dinner.
- Thursday: Saw two waterfalls in Kitti and visited COM. Dinner at The Village.
- Friday: Hiked up Mt. Sokehs. Visited Kapinga Village (An area of Kolonia that makes local crafts.) Dinner at PCR.
- Saturday: Went on a boat tour via The Village. Visited Nan Modal, Manta Road, "The Bowl" (a snorkeling spot), sandy beached island, and Keprohi Waterfalls. BBQ ribs local style for dinner.
- Sunday: Church in the morning. Pohnpaip Petroglyphs in the afternoon. Dinner at the Joy Resturant
- Monday: Shopping at local stores in the morning. Visited Micronesian Seminar and water falls in the afternoon. Dinner at Dave and Ruth Anne's House, celebrated Megan's B-Day.
- Tuesday: Relaxed in the morning. Watched "Micronesians Abroad". Had fresh mangrove crab picnic lunch on the causeway. Waved goodbye at 1400.
For most of the visit I just enjoyed my parents company and didn't take many pictures. It was nice not living the days through the lens so to speak. Unfortunetly for you that means I didn't get a ton of pictures. Here are a few that I did take.
Here is our gang on the hike to Keprohi Waterfalls...

Here is Megan and Andrew in front of Keprohi Waterfalls...

Here are some underwater pics...

Who wants to visit next?
Meg - happy birthday again! I hope you got my email.
I'm glad you all had a god visit! That must've been nice to see family again. Do you guys know when you'll be coming back to the U.S. yet?
Glad to hear that you guys had a good time and got a chance to enjoy your family. Happy b-day again, Megan!
I would love to come visit, I wish I could find the money for the tickets : (
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