I had a few pictures on my other camera and thought I'd like to share them with you. On my parents first day on the island we went for a drive to find a few waterfalls. Surprisingly the road to find these two was really well maintained. Not surprisingly there were not signs showing you what road to take. We found them with a little help from the locals and a free tourist map...

We hiked to the top of Sokehs mountain...

This is a large AA gun placed on Sokehs Mountain by the Japanese during WWII...

The view here shows Kolonia and its harbor. On the far left is the back of Sokehs Rock and on the far right is the interior of the island. You can click on it for a little bit bigger picture...
I am surprised that all the pictures are gray and cloudy. I know that it is the rainy season, but somehow I expected it to be brighter.
The rainy season in Pohnpei is April and May. Actually I should say the rainier season is April and May. That's the way it looks 60% of the time. Sometimes it'll be really gray and probably cool (82-85). Sometimes it's clear and hot (89-92). But usually it's mostly cloudy and 86-88.
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