24 March 2009

If I were my boss...

I would not fire me. This may sound funny but for the first time since graduating from college my answer has changed to "would not fire me" from "would fire me". When we were in Micronesia I was useful and probably would not have fired myself but at the same time there were other instructors who could have taught my classes or they could have closed the class I was teaching because only 3 people would show up. And when I started my current job I may not have fired myself because even though I didn't contribute much I was still learning. Even though I told myself this I still had that feeling in my gut.

I came up with this phrase when I was in the military. My performance ratings were above average so I always got the impression that my boss would not have fired me. After completing my service commitment I was offered a job as a civilian so by my boss was willing to put his money where his mouth was. But I still couldn't help like feeling like a liability. Sure, I was useful and brought some expertise to my work group but basically I went to graduate school, went to PT and surfed google maps. I also published a paper and went to conferences but most of the time I felt as though I didn't contribute as much as I was being compensated for. 

In this economy - or any economy for that matter - you should never feel too confident but it is nice to feel like an asset.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I hope that once I start my new job, I can say the same thing. It's always nice to feel wanted/appreciated.