16 January 2009

I'm still here!

Just an update:

We finally got internet!

Baby is due in less than 5 weeks, on 19 Feb. We never chose to find out the gender, and there's no more ultrasounds left, so it will be a fun surprise for us. I'm feeling really good and fairly energetic. Andrew seems to be doing well too. :o)

I'm not going back to work until the fall. I've been tutoring some math students. Mostly home-schooled students. I like it.

I spend a lot more time at home. Surprisingly, I still feel pretty busy. I'm glad Oliver isn't home alone as much as he used to be. He's a good buddy. I've been working on organizing each room in the house. The next to work on is the room where Mom & Dad will be staying when they visit in March! Our friends gave us their queen mattress for my parents, but Dan will have to make due in the office on an air mattress. :o)

Andrew got me a keyboard for Christmas. I've been having a lot of fun developing the musical side of myself. I'm on page 142 of my beginner book. I've been keeping up with my exercise class and doing some walking. I'm in training for labor, and thinking of it as this huge upcoming sporting event/physical challenge. I'm even hoping to have someone braid my pigtails like we used to do fore soccer/rugby games when the time arrives. I feel (and am) pretty big - hopefully I'll have some pictures for you soon!

Andrew and I are hoping to go on a little trip very soon. He'll ski with some buddies, and I'll play in the snow with Oliver (I'm super-excited that we found a dog-friendly place). I've maxed out my skiing time, but did get a little bit in this season.


Christy said...

Hey! Sounds like you guys are getting all ready! When is your sis due with baby 2?

Did you get my package?

Christy said...

Hey - you should post a picture of pregnant Meg!