27 March 2008

Same Same?

During our visit to Bali, Megan and saw a lot of bumper stickers with the expression "Same Same" on it. Small merchants had these for sale, they were on motor scooter helmets, and, of course, they were on bumpers. We would often say to each other "What's Same Same?" We figured it was a quote from a movie we hadn't seen or a quote by a politician, such as GW, in speech we hadn't heard. We both completely forgot about it. Until we saw it on a tshirt worn by Benicio Del Toro in the movie "Things We Lost in the Fire". The movie was neither good nor bad, it entertained us for ninty minutes or so. However seeing the quote our minds began to wander, "What small part of pop culture did we miss?" A week or so (obviously not knowing wasn't killing us) went by before I remembered to look it up on the Internet. Turns out Same Same is/was a pop band consisting of identical twins. You may or may not have heard of them, but I began to wonder what other pieces of useless information are not taking up space in my tiny brain. I think the Giants won the Super bowl. Surely Paris Hilton was up to something that made CNN. Do you have a useless piece of information to share?

1 comment:

Christy said...

Just so you know - I have never heard of Same Same until I read this post. And I live in this country. What else is going on? I have no idea. I think you have to watch TV or have a life or something to know about pop culture.