We're currently living with my parents and sometimes it feels like we're living in a zoo. My parents have a collie/blue heeler mutt and also a large cat lives here. The dog's name is Molly and the cat's name is Baby Brother. And of course Oliver is here too. Molly is a very good dog but she can be very territorial. If we forget to close the cupboard or closet that is holding the bag(s) of dog food she'll lay by it very calmly until Oliver wants to walk by at which point she'll nip and growl at him. Oliver hasn't really figured out why Molly is doing this so he is cautious about walking past her whenever it's a tight space like a hallway even when their is no food that is being guarded.
Besides that Oliver and Molly get along great. They frequently play together and have been found napping by one another. We sometimes refer to them as MOliver.
Baby Brother also gets along great with both of them. Sometimes he'll join in when they are playing. Molly gets scared of the cat if the claws come out but Oliver just takes it the next level and plays harder.
Here is Baby Brother...
Here is MOliver...
Oliver has gotten used to the "cold" weather here in Oregon. He finds sun whenever he can...
Here is a video I made (The audio from our camera isn't very good so I added some circus music)...
1 comment:
If anyone ever thinks about going to the zoo on the $2.00 day, you may want to reconsider unless you go when it opens.
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