We went to a pool with a diving board, because Jordan wanted to learn how to dive. But this center is a series of pools: one with a diving board, rope swing, super slide; another with a river ride and system splashy-spraying fountain things; others with regular swimming areas, lap lanes, kiddy stuff; and a spa (jetted hot tub) in the middle so the parents can sit and watch the kids go nuts.
I didn't tell her it was anything more than a pool with a diving board, so she was really excited when she finally saw everything.

We spent a lot of time just playing in the water.

After a while we decided to try diving off the wall together a few times. We started just by falling in head first. Then I recruited 2 slightly older girls (who I observed diving off the edge with more bounce), to join in with us. In no time, Jordan was keeping up with the young teens. We got bored with that after a while, and went down the slide a few times. About an hour later, Jordan came prancing over to me, enthusiastically telling me what she had accomplished:
I had not prompted her (not even mentioned) to try diving off the diving board. I was oblivious that she had it on her mind to try. So I was thrilled, and she said, "No one told me it was this much fun to dive!" I bet her mom will be awfully proud.
P.S. - She also can swim to the bottom of the deep end (12 feet) and touch bottom with her hands.
Wow - that place looks like fun. I would love to go to a water park sometime - I haven't been to one in forever.
Yes - it was so much fun. One of the best parts is that it's relatively inexpensive. $4 for kids, $6 for adults, cheaper if you live in town, $15 for a family of 4.
Jordan, I am so proud of you for diving off the diving board. I'm happy you are having such a wonderful time. I'm having a great time in Korea, too and have lots of stories to tell you when I get home. Thanks Megan for taking her to the park - you're a great aunt!
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