18 June 2008

Five Weeks

Megan is five weeks pregnant. Below is an FAQ we've developed after telling some friends and family.

Q: Do you want a boy or a girl?
A: Both. Twins please.

Q: When is the baby due due?
A: February 19th. (According to Megan)
A: February 18th. (According to the lady at the Salem Pregnancy Center)

Q: How long is Andrew's license suspended?
A: February 18th.

Q: Do you have health insurance?
A: Don't you have any better questions than that?

Q: Do you have any morning sickness?
A: No. But my belly gets gurgley sometimes. (Megan's answer)
A: No. I feel fine, thanks for asking. (Andrew's answer)

Q: Is this a planned pregnancy?
A: Well, we planned to have sex. (We're both very happy)

Q: Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?
A: We might but you won't. (We want gender neutral baby stuff)

Q: Seriously, do you have health insurance?
A: Seriously it's a baby. Be excited!

Q: How does Oliver feel about this?
A: Woof.


sjgraves said...

Seriously, guys, super congratulations. We're really happy to hear your news.

Christy said...

I think the "Was this planned?" question is exceptionally rude. I can't tell you how many people asked me this. Most of the time I simply answer "It's none of your business." Seriously.

Anyway, Congrats again. I'm so happy for you two!

Herm said...

This is mom: in defense of those who wonder about insurance, we didn't have any with our firstborn and had to go on a payment plan. That was 40 yrs. ago - imagine what it must cost nowadays. But we are EXTREMELY happy to welcome another grandchild into our family. We love you both very much!!!!

mandy said...

Hurray, a little Boes!
Megan,I truley hope you enjoy your pregnancy; I loved being able to carry a life inside of me, the best part was when baby moved. It was great!
oh ya, Hi Andrew :)
Mandy, Eric & Anna

Sharon said...

So, so happy. Joy, happiness, thanks to God...Andrew is fine too. (Sorry, but he put it out there.)

Truly, I couldn't be happier for you both. The answers to the "Questions" will come in time. Enjoy your pregnancy and take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

in my room.... grossssss

Megan said...

Thanks for all your excitement for us! We're both really happy too. I now have U.S. health insurance, and a doctor appointment in a couple weeks.

I've been really blessed with no morning sickness so far - just like my sister and mom. I am exceptionally sleepy at times, and grumpy at those times. Andrew's been really cool to me. Some days I take 2 naps, other days I don't need any.

I'm bored with yard sales already, but we got a swing, stroller, tons of clothes. I know it's really early for that sort of thing, (if we wait until it's not too early, then the sales will be over) but it's also really fun to daydream - and I love that Andrew's into it.

P.S. - Andrew got a sweet job! You'll have to ask him about it, but he seems pretty excited about the company.

Cena said...

I haven’t been able to keep up with reading blogs because of my crazy schedule....but when I saw "due to baby stuff" in your newest hiking blog...I was hoping there was some news. :) It didn't take me long to see the happy news!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both. How exciting. :) I'm not sure if Jason's knows yet. He can't read blogs in Iraq..so I'll tell him the wonderful news. Congrats to you both!

Unknown said...

Soon to be Grandma and Grandpa Hoblen couldn't be happier. Just last Christmas I was complaining to my coworkers that I'd never be a grndmother, now we have two grandchildren on the way! We're so thrilled for our daughters and their Andrews. Oliver-you'll always be my first granddog.