14 June 2008

Transformer Bike Race

No, Optimus Prime didn't race Megatron on a bike. Although it would have been really cool if they did! On Tuesday, 3 June I went to see the Lehigh Valley Classic bike race in the afternoon and in the evening I went to the old Bethlehem Steel factory to try to see a helicopter or and explosion because they were filming Transformers 2 there.

The bike race started at 1300 but the racers didn't come by our seats, at mile 6, until about 1312. We sat on the biggest "climb" on the whole circuit. The race consisted of twelve seven mile laps and took a little under four hours to complete, that makes the average speed a little more than 27 mph. Unfortunetly the climb did not slow the riders much so they buzzed by and I didn't get a good look at the Peloton to see the few riders I could have picked out.

Every lap was very exciting to watch. About a minute ahead of the first rider three or four police cars would come by to clear the road. They were followed by a half dozen motorcycles that carried course officials. The motorcycles were followed by the Peloton, except for the laps when there was a break away. After the Peloton was gone thirty or forty team cars and other support vehicles would drive by.


Support Vehicles...

We didn't actually see any helicopters at the Bethlehem Steel plant but we heard them and we got to see the whole place lit up. The scene they were filming is a war in China between Transformers and Chinese at some kind of factory. As you can see from the below pic (which I didn't take) it is a pretty dismal place...

Here it is lit up on the night of filming...

I read in the paper the following day that the explosions happened at three in the morning. I am not sad that I missed them

1 comment:

Megan said...

My parents and I had so much fun at the bike race. There was all this excitement every 15 minutes when the racers whooshed by. I had expected we'd get bored and want to leave early, but I really wanted to see the finish.