22 November 2007


As I write this post it has just begun to rain really hard. Besides the random down pour the weather hasn't changed much since we've been here. I was sitting in class on Thursday (Thanksgiving) while my students were working on a problem thinking about how one major difference between Thanksgiving this year and last is that, as usual, I'm sweating through it.

Thanksgiving is not a holiday in Micronesia but due to the fact that there are a lot of ex-patriots (why am I an ex-patriot? I'm still patriotic!) that live here I was reminded throughout the day that it was Thanksgiving. People would say "Happy Thanksgiving" to me but since I was at school getting ready to teach they mind as well have been saying "Happy Secerataries Day!". Just saying Thanksgiving a few times during the day (I did) and having turkey and mashed potatoes for dinner (I also did, and it was delicious) certainly doesn't make it Thanksgiving. This may sound lame but giving thanks doesn't even make it Thanksgiving. What makes Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is taking time out of our lives to connect to with the ones we love. So I celebrated Thanksgiving this morning, Friday, when I got to talk to my family with the newest member of my family, Megan.

Thanks Megan. Thanks Family.


sjgraves said...

I don't think you guys qualify as expats. Expats have voluntarily either withdrawn allegiance from their home country or chosen to permanently reside outside it. You two haven't (to the best of my knowledge) opted to permanently leave the US; you're just doing some almost-volunteer work.

Megan said...

Thanks Andrew, :o)
I just read that now.