He will nip at our hands, feet and ankles when he wants to play. At first this was very pathetic and he would quite after 10-15 seconds. Lately though he has had a little more energy and will play for a few minutes. He is usually most active in the morning and evening. Though rare, sometimes his nipping will be too much for us!
Needless to say we are adjusting quite nicely to having a pet in the house. I only teach two classes so when times are slow it's nice to have a friend at home with me. Our other dog (not ours at all but we'd like to think so) Rocky is also adjusting nicely to his new neighbor. Here they are sharing their common interest, scratching and licking...

Parting shot 1:
For the last few months we have been at war with ants. These critters will find the smallest morsel of food and converge on it in swarms. We take out our trash every day and sweep the floor two or more times per day but we are never perfect...

The above attack was because we didn't clean out a can of dog food thoroughly enough and they found it in our trash. We put the empty can of dog food in the trash at around lunch time and this pic was taken at 2100.
Parting Shot 2:
Here is a pic of my new hairstyle...

you are SOOOOO redneck
Good look Mohawk-man. The pictures of Oliver are great! Keep up the good posts.
Hey Guys this is Rachel Russey :) I've been keeping up with you guys via the blog...love the "Mo Fro" lol
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