05 May 2011

Growing Family

Baby Number 2 is due September 6th. We chose not to find out the gender until the birth. We have a couple girl names that we both like, but zero boy names. We didn't choose Chase until at least an hour after his birth. A few people commented that it would be funny if I labored on Labor Day, but Chase came a week before his due date, so my bet is on a late August baby.

I'd LOVE to hear your gender predictions. My parents have 3 grandsons, and no granddaughters. Andrew's parents have 4 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. Earlier in this pregnancy I guessed it was a girl since I had no heartburn, but constant heartburn with Chase. My mom had heartburn with my brother but none with the girls. However, since then I've had some heartburn. Obviously we'll all be thrilled with either gender, but Andrew's routing for a boy, I'm hoping for a girl, and yesterday Chase declared he wants a "green brother". Guess his favorite color... just like Uncle Dan. So what's your vote, boy or girl?!  Any boy name suggestions?

1 comment:

Becky H said...

Hi Megan! Congratulations to you guys :) How exciting! Hope all is well!