16 December 2010

Rocking Baby to Sleep

When Chase was younger, say a year and more ago, I wanted so badly to sit in a rocking chair and rock him to sleep. That wasn't Chase's style. He wanted to be bounced, nursed, carried in a sling, and/or walked to sleep. Eventually we got to the point where we could do a little story/hug/song/prayer routine and just lay him down and he would fall asleep on his own. And now, Sunday naps are in the jogger. But never could I cuddle him in a rocking chair as he drifted off to sleep.

Well, just over 2 weeks ago, he started a panicked scream at nap time. After a few days of struggling, and then a few days of putting him in the back pack and wearing him until he was out, I was frustrated. Note, he did just fine at bedtime on his own (well, with his meow kitty). Crazy kid. On a whim, I tried rocking him in the chair. He fell asleep in 2 minutes. Since then, after stories before nap time, he says, "wock, wock, wock,.." for rock. He and I love rocking to sleep. My wish finally came true and I'm one happy mama.


Christy said...

Finally caught up on your blog. That story is so sweet!!! I was bound and determined to NEVER rock Livvy to sleep because I heard it would train your baby to only fall asleep that way. But with the next 2, I wanted them to fall asleep to me rocking them so I could cuddle longer!!!!

Christy said...

Finally caught up on your blog. That story is so sweet!!! I was bound and determined to NEVER rock Livvy to sleep because I heard it would train your baby to only fall asleep that way. But with the next 2, I wanted them to fall asleep to me rocking them so I could cuddle longer!!!!