We've taken to trying the cry it out or Ferber method after a few weeks of nearly sleepless nights. The first night was actually wonderful. We were dreading it all day long but he only got up a few times that night. We didn't just leave him in his crib until he quit crying, rather we went in to comfort him, without picking him up, every few minutes. The time between comforting gradually increases. By the third night we didn't have to go in at all when he first went to sleep. We've also decided that it's okay for him to eat once a night. So far he's gotten up at least once every night but it has been a lot better. We'll see how he adjusts after going on the trip. We were a little more lax with him while on vacation. Last night he got up five or six times but he went right back to sleep when Megan put his pacifier back in.
Summer is still in full effect here in Oregon. I think the temperature yesterday was 90. Chase get's lots of outside time in the evenings when it's like this...
We leave our windows open all night to let the house cool so in the mornings it's cold enough for a sleeper...
So far Oliver hasn't ever been annoyed with Chase. It may happen but so far they're good buddies...
He spent a lot of his summer like this...
Music to my ears...
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