24 February 2009

Two weeks

Well we made it another week with our new housemate. Nothing too exciting to report on. He still eats alot. He still sleeps alot...

He is awake from time to time...

Sometimes I wonder what he's going to look like. He looks different in different light conditions. Here I think he looks alot like me...

Say hi Chase...

Say hi Chase from andrew boes on Vimeo.


Christy said...

Hoorah! I love pictures and updates! I'm glad things are going well.

sjgraves said...

He looks comparatively huge. Our Andy is such a little dude, all other babies look enormous.

Sharon said...

He's a little sweetheart alright! He has such long fingers for such a little guy. They'll come in "handy" when he starts crawling around and exploring things. Meg liked to play in her mother's Tupperware and storage container drawer. She also found the pots and pans, but they were a little too noisy.