- Warm Summer Mornings & Evenings - I took a walk in the morning and wore shorts and felt the sun and warm air. When I walk Oliver in OR mornings (even on a 90-degree-high day), I need pants & sweatshirt. I also love to enjoy a dinner-time cookout and still wear shorts. I need a sweatshirt in OR.
- Lightening Bugs - They're just really pretty.
- Thunder Storms - So much more fun and dramatic than OR rain. I have witnessed some lightening on OR - But not nearly as thrilling.
- Fall Leaves - Another thing that's just really pretty.
- Cool Summer Nights - Also the nights of the days with 90-degree highs. Sleeping is so much more pleasant.
- Berries - there's lots of berries that grow around here and ripen at different times of the summer. We pick pounds and pounds and freeze them and have a delicious treat whenever. Some I've been able to experience so far: marionberries, blueberries, blackberries.
- Dramatic Mountains - They do put the little rounded PA mountains to shame. On clear days you can see Mt. Jefferson and some others towering over Salem.
- Skiing - Wow, so much fun. At the higher elevations, we get drier fluffier snow out here (and more of it and for a much longer season). Pair that with the monster mountains and the Northeast can't begin to compete.
So last weekend I went to visit my family in PA. Dan drove up from D.C. and we threw a wild baby shower for Kate (due Oct. 1st). I finally got to meet some of Kate's husband's family. All 3 of his sisters (Anita, Melissa, Angela) were there to pick on him, and his Aunt Karen was a lot of fun too.
And just to show you my belly is growing, here it is at 17.5 weeks:
Wow- you don't even look close to pregnant yet. And Kate definitely does not look like she's due in a few weeks. So good for the healthy ex-Holben sisters!
There are always ups and downs based on where you live. I used to think Syracuse had more downs than ups, but after being here for a while I've come to enjoy it. :)
Megan, have you ever tried yoga? If not, I think you might like it. It's an easy way to get exercise, helps with breathing, and is relaxing. I know some studios even offer prenatal yoga classes.
I have tried yoga and just get really bored... one time I had to leave b/c the instructor had us "floating around the room like trees" and I had to laugh, and another time I fell asleep and had to be woken up. And because I'm pretty flexible (gymnastics), if I really go all out in the stretches people look and comment to me like I'm a freak. It's pretty funny, but just not my thing.
That's what happened to me when I tried yoga (the laughing). I just couldn't be as serious as they wanted. :)
Oregon wins. Hands down.
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