- Warm Summer Mornings & Evenings - I took a walk in the morning and wore shorts and felt the sun and warm air. When I walk Oliver in OR mornings (even on a 90-degree-high day), I need pants & sweatshirt. I also love to enjoy a dinner-time cookout and still wear shorts. I need a sweatshirt in OR.
- Lightening Bugs - They're just really pretty.
- Thunder Storms - So much more fun and dramatic than OR rain. I have witnessed some lightening on OR - But not nearly as thrilling.
- Fall Leaves - Another thing that's just really pretty.
- Cool Summer Nights - Also the nights of the days with 90-degree highs. Sleeping is so much more pleasant.
- Berries - there's lots of berries that grow around here and ripen at different times of the summer. We pick pounds and pounds and freeze them and have a delicious treat whenever. Some I've been able to experience so far: marionberries, blueberries, blackberries.
- Dramatic Mountains - They do put the little rounded PA mountains to shame. On clear days you can see Mt. Jefferson and some others towering over Salem.
- Skiing - Wow, so much fun. At the higher elevations, we get drier fluffier snow out here (and more of it and for a much longer season). Pair that with the monster mountains and the Northeast can't begin to compete.
So last weekend I went to visit my family in PA. Dan drove up from D.C. and we threw a wild baby shower for Kate (due Oct. 1st). I finally got to meet some of Kate's husband's family. All 3 of his sisters (Anita, Melissa, Angela) were there to pick on him, and his Aunt Karen was a lot of fun too.
The men hang out upstairs. Here's Dan, Dad, and Kate's husband, Andrew. Yes, we sisters married guys with the same name. It makes for some confusing conversations.
Tami and Corynn (and baby Ryan) drove out for the party. Here they are playing a game racing to dress a doll.
Kate says, "What?! You aint got nuttin on this belly!" I guess this is one of the first pictures of the cousins together. Kate looks really healthy and energetic. She bounces up and down my parents front hill (pretty big/steep), and 2 sets of stairs. She goes to the Y most mornings for swimming and other workouts, and it shows. I hope I can stay as active and healthy as she is! To see her so well, alleviated a lot of my anxieties/fears (of course now I'm nervous about a dry red itchy irritated tummy that becomes allergic to lotions & creams). Any day now... Connor's coming!
And just to show you my belly is growing, here it is at 17.5 weeks:
Wow- you don't even look close to pregnant yet. And Kate definitely does not look like she's due in a few weeks. So good for the healthy ex-Holben sisters!
There are always ups and downs based on where you live. I used to think Syracuse had more downs than ups, but after being here for a while I've come to enjoy it. :)
Megan, have you ever tried yoga? If not, I think you might like it. It's an easy way to get exercise, helps with breathing, and is relaxing. I know some studios even offer prenatal yoga classes.
I have tried yoga and just get really bored... one time I had to leave b/c the instructor had us "floating around the room like trees" and I had to laugh, and another time I fell asleep and had to be woken up. And because I'm pretty flexible (gymnastics), if I really go all out in the stretches people look and comment to me like I'm a freak. It's pretty funny, but just not my thing.
That's what happened to me when I tried yoga (the laughing). I just couldn't be as serious as they wanted. :)
Oregon wins. Hands down.
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