1600: Sitting in front of the fan after getting home from the park where Oliver gets his exercise.

1700: Our friends Ray and Sheffy stopped by to chat. Sheffy really likes Oliver, the feeling is mutual. Ray is a teacher at CCA, the high school megan briefly taught at, and Sheffy is his son. On their way to school in the morning Sheffy will regularly call out "Mr. Boes!" or "Mrs. Boes!".

1800: Sunset at The Village. Bruce and Joanne wanted to buy us dinner so we went to our favorite place in Pohnpei, The Village.
1900: Sorry no pic. I had the Macadamia Nut chicken, it was delicious.

2000: Stopped by Genesis Hospital to stock up on drugs!

0600: Slowly waking up, Oliver can be really calm in the morning. He can also be really crazy.

0700: Rice Crispies and Granola. My Grandpa C. taught me the joys of mixing cereals.

0800: 200 mg Celebrex. It's better than Advil, but not by much.

0900: Watching "Manufacturing Dissent". The laptop is set up right next to the bed on top of Oliver's crate. Over the past week I've probably watched more than twenty movies here due to a bad back.

1000: On my way to Pohnpei Utilities Corporation. The rain finally let up a bit so I can run my errands.

1015: I've always wanted a picture of this tank. It's Japanese from WWII.

1100: PUC. This is the building where we pay our water bill and buy power. I wish I could say the building looked better on the inside. I can't. Our water bill has never been above $5. We don't have a power "bill" but rather,we buy kilowatt hours from PUC. When we left the rate was about $0.44/kilowatt hour.

1200: Telecom. All telephone and internet communications are through the satellite on the right of the above pic.

1300: Lunch! Today we have scrambled eggs with sausage on a terrible looking but delicious tortilla and an orange.
1400: Finished movie. No pic. Not sorry.

1500:Oliver getting his afternoon workout.
Thats all. If you have a blog you should think about doing this. I don't know interesting it was for you the reader but from my point of view it was fun. I felt like I needed to do something interesting every hour or everyone out there would know how truly boring I am : )
That was neat! I'm happy you have faster internet now. I can't even used computers with slow internet because I get so frustrated.
Andrew the very last thing you are is boring. If you had not put forth such a great effort to keep those of us in US informed, your time away would have been unbearable. I am sorry about your back. I can truly relate.
Andrew the very last thing you are is boring. If you had not put forth such a great effort to keep those of us in US informed, your time away would have been unbearable. I am sorry about your back. I can truly relate.
I don't know why that printed twice. I guess I really, really mean it.
I don't know why that printed twice. I guess I really, really mean it.
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