I talked to my sister recently, and she has "big news" that she wants to wait to tell me in person. She said it was life-changing - hmmm... whatever could it be?
Yesterday, Andrew, Oliver, and I had CHRISTMAS again!!! My parents mailed a package a day or two after Christmas, and it just arrived yesterday. My mom left specific directions that Oliver should open his own presents. That was the best part. One was a squeaky toy, and the squeak scared him - very funny to watch. It made me feel close to my parents - man I miss everyone from home really bad!
Finally, I want to write about a fun Friday we had before Easter. With a group of people, mostly from our bible study group, we reserved a grass hut at Nihco Park, one of the only sandy beaches on Pohnpei. Everyone brought some food, and we ate well. Here's a picture of some of the group.

It's a really beautiful place. That's our buddy Ashley playing in the water and waiting for her friend to join us.

Finally, Priscilla came too. What good friend. :o)

There's sand strip that makes a loop off the main island. On the inside of the loop, there's a large pool. In the pool, they have sea turtles, sting rays, and all sorts of fish. You can rent a kayak and paddle around, which myself, Ashley, Priscilla, Lori (my adult friend), and some others from our group did. The sea turtles come up regularly for a breath, so their easy to spot. Here's a sea turtle that was in the pool.

You can also see sting rays in the pool.

At the time, Andrew and I were still at the radio station. We had a shift to cover, so Andrew was kind enough to work it (so that I could go play), and he came a few hours later. He also brought Oliver, who met the other dogs at the park. He made good friends with one dog that followed us around. Here's Andrew and Oliver playing together. They make me smile.

Stay tuned: We recently went on an overnight trek into the forest (with Oliver too). Andrew may post about it soon.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Livros e Revistas, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://livros-e-revistas.blogspot.com. A hug.
I love Megan posts!
I did attempt to comment on this last week, but somehow it didn't show up.
Anyway, glad to hear things are going well. The sea turtle is really cool!
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