27 January 2008

Gas Guzzler? How about Meat guzzler...

So what if you're car doesn't get 50 miles per gallon. According to a recent New York Times article about meat, meat production produces 1/5 of the worlds greenhouse gases, more than transportation. Here are a few more highlights of the article.
  • "if Americans were to reduce meat consumption by just 20 percent it would be as if we all switched from a standard sedan — a Camry, say — to the ultra-efficient Prius."
  • .0098 gallons of gasoline to produce 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup eggplant, 4 oz cauliflower, 8 oz. rice or .1597 gallons of gas to produce a 6 oz beef steak. Both dishes have about 320 calories each (though not nutritionally equal).
  • Americans eat about 8 ounces of meat per day, Twice the global average.
Full article here.

One of the reasons for all of this energy is that it takes a lot of grains to grow a cow. It takes somewhere between 4 and 10 pounds (depending on your source of information) of grains to produce 1 pound of actual beef. Here are some other meat to grain ratios:
Fish: 1.5-2.0:1
Chicken: 2.1- 3.0:1
Pigs: 4.0-5.5:1

That's a lot of grains to grow and transport...


Christy said...

So, are you thinking of becoming vegetarian?

Drew said...

No. I love meat. And Beef is my favorite. I've never been a big carnivore though. This is mostly due to the fact that you have to prepare most meats. I found it very interesting that so much pollution comes from growing animals and wanted to share it. I still find it interesting.

Christy said...

I find it interesting too. In fact, if a vegetarian tells me he is a vegetarian because of all of the resources it takes to produce one pound of beef, I really respect his reasons. I like well thought-out arguments, and it does take a lot of energy to produce one pound of beef. There are some reasons for being vegetarian that I just think are silly, though.