The boat was supposed to leave at 0800 so when Megan and I showed up at 0815 and no one was there we thought that we were too late or that the work day had been canceled. Here is a shot of the lagoon from the boat dock...

In true Micronesian fashion the rest of the work crew arrived at around 0840 and the boat arrived at around 0900. At around 0930 we departed for Mawnd. This time Oliver accompanied us. He didn't want to get on the boat though so I had to carry him on. While we were there we worked mostly on cutting down small trees and large bamboo shoots. FYI, a recently cut bamboo shoot is very sharp. I got a small cut on my finger and it bled profusely, kind of like a cut from glass.
Here is a picture of the cleared jungle. The smoke is from the piles of refuse...

We also worked on making a path. This involved moving a lot of rocks and a lot of pinching of fingers. Unfortunately Megan's wedding ring got a little misshapen...

Here is a shot of Oliver on the boat...

Here is an upclose shot of Oliver and Megan...

Oliver's starting to look more fleshy. You must be feeding him.
Also, Christy's engagement ring got mashed in a car door once (almost losing the diamond, too, but her dad found it miraculously) and we had to replace it. It's not too big of a deal.
Yeah! Oliver's eating well and getting bigger. He had a LOT more energy too. Before we just let him eat as much as he wanted. Now we have to start feeding him normal amounts.
Yeah, I remember Christy telling me about the car door incident. That was crazy. Mine wasn't a big deal; it came off my finger pretty easily. The part that is a big deal to me, is that there are no jewelers on island, so I think I have to wait until the summer to get it fixed. My hope is we'll find somewhere in Bali (2 weeks!) while we're visiting, or maybe during our layover in Guam.
I'm sure your wedding band can be repaired (re-rounded). (Sorry, it's 5:13 AM in PA right now and I'm enjoying be able to create comments again.) I'd get the ring sized while you're at it. I just love Oliver's name and he does look healthy.
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