25 May 2011




Candy bar break during a "hike" with Mom, Pa, and Oliver. Andrew has this hiker on training.


Together at last!

Grandma and Pa Visit from PA!

Recent conversations

Pa: Hi Stinky!
Chase: No stinky. Just Chase.

About a picture of a chicken egg with chick legs poking through.
Chase: Egg running!
Me: How can an egg run?!
C: A have legs.
M: Why does the egg have legs?
C: Because... (long pause) ... a fire.
(First time I ever observed him answer a why question or use the word because.)

Chase wanted to go to the playground, but Andrew and I had things to do. I told Chase to ask Pa. Pa agreed.
Chase: Come on. I show you.

We are battling ants in our home. I often say, "get out of my house, ants!" and Chase has learned to say this too, although he likes the ants. Chase woke up one morning.
Chase: Hi Mommy!
Me: Good Morning Chase. Did you have any dreams?
C: (with a mischievous grin) Ants! Ants here! (Pointing at carpet) Ants here! (Pointing at wall) Ants here! (Pointing at door) Ants here! (Pointing at bed, all while watching for my reaction)

Chase: No no Oliver! No lickin' p*n*s! (With appropriate vowels, repeatedly, really loud, first thing in morning, waking Dad, and possibly both my parents. Oliver is our dog, with an embarrassing habbit.)

Oatbeal (oatmeal)
Botmom (bottom)
Paggy (spaghetti, although he's already outgrown this one)
Megan (with a smirk, for Mommy... ok not exactly a pronouncement issue)
Busich (music)

Pictures to follow. Annoyingly one at a time as I post from my phone. :o)

05 May 2011

Growing Family

Baby Number 2 is due September 6th. We chose not to find out the gender until the birth. We have a couple girl names that we both like, but zero boy names. We didn't choose Chase until at least an hour after his birth. A few people commented that it would be funny if I labored on Labor Day, but Chase came a week before his due date, so my bet is on a late August baby.

I'd LOVE to hear your gender predictions. My parents have 3 grandsons, and no granddaughters. Andrew's parents have 4 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. Earlier in this pregnancy I guessed it was a girl since I had no heartburn, but constant heartburn with Chase. My mom had heartburn with my brother but none with the girls. However, since then I've had some heartburn. Obviously we'll all be thrilled with either gender, but Andrew's routing for a boy, I'm hoping for a girl, and yesterday Chase declared he wants a "green brother". Guess his favorite color... just like Uncle Dan. So what's your vote, boy or girl?!  Any boy name suggestions?

Quick Picture

Chase loves to play outside in any weather.

02 May 2011

More Quick Pictures

Warming up and drying off after a romp through big puddles, Feeding Boo, Pancakes!, Oliver helps with dishes too, Blanket fort

01 May 2011

Moblie Post

So we haven't been posting because we can't stand to pay increasing internet bills. We've been using our phones and holding out for a better monthly home internet price. So here are some phone pics from the last few months.

Biking, Easter egg painting, the latest DDR moves.