You would think this is an anomaly, but, he has other doggy friends as well. There's a pair of boxers that play on the track. Their owner waves up to our house, we let Oliver out, one of the boxers comes up to our yard to coax Oliver down to the track, and they're off.
Although our dog is not the smartest, he does recognize familiar dogs from ones he hasn't met. From our house to across the track, he can tell the difference. He whines when he sees a playmate, and often barks or growls when he sees an unfamiliar one. (Andrew's not so sure of this, but I'm home all day and observe it regularly.)
Another great thing is that Oliver comes when we call. And on the rare occasion that fails, he always responds to the whistle, which is followed by a treat.
As for the rest of the family, Chase continues to grow, and Andrew continues to get older. :o)
Chase has doubled in size since birth (7 pounds 15 ounces). He clocked in at 16 pounds 5 ounces yesterday. He's a great eater. Imagine if you doubled in size in less than 4 months!
Andrew's birthday was yesterday. So Chase stayed with his aunt & uncle, and Andrew chose a yummy sushi place for dinner.
Here are some Chase pictures:
He's no musical prodigy, at least we haven't seen the signs yet, but he loves the sounds the keyboard makes.