24 May 2009

High Chair

He's not quite ready for food but loves to sit up...

Vowels are fun!

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

14 May 2009

Hiking and Swimming

Last Friday, I met up with 3 other moms and their babies at Silver Falls and we did a hike. I didn't realize what a spectacle we'd make, but it was nice to get lots of Mother's Day wishes from other hikers.

The following day, Andrew, Chase, and I went swimming. Chase is too young to really appreciate it; the outing was more for me. I had a great time.

Andrew and I had some playtime too. Andrew got to go down the water slide, and I went off the diving board.

03 May 2009

02 May 2009

Monster Cookie Ride

Last Sunday (26 April 2009) I did another bicycle ride sponsored by the Salem Bicycle Club.  I also rode to and from the event start so all told I did about 70 miles. My freind Scott and averaged a little over 18 mph during the ride. The event had three stops which was actually one too many. We only stopped at the last one to use the restroom. The event cost $20 and I'm pretty sure I ate $20 worth of cookies.

01 May 2009

Baby Raising Update

Chase's personality has started to show through in his third month of life. He smiles often and will react to us quite a bit. He also likes it when someone talks to him, espcially baby talk, I guess it's best when they speak his language. In the past week or so he has also started using less diapers. We have 16 cloth diapers and he used to use about 16 in a day but that has slowed down to 12-14 now. 

He is also growing. At his two month appointment (10 April)  he weighed 12 lbs 9 oz, was 23 inches long and had a head diameter of 40 cm (what's with the metric?). Ten days ago he weighed 13 lbs 6 oz. The 0-3 month clothes are to small and many of the 6 month clothes he fits into great. It's kinda sad that he's growing out of his clothes only because I have some favorites. I like clothes that fit snug and have zippers. Every once and a while I'll put him in some different type clothes but mostly I like him in sleepers with nothing else on except a diaper. Now that his head is less wobbly I also like it when he wears overalls. It's like wearing a handle.

Megan worked hard to get him on a schedule starting around two months. It has paid off. For the past two weeks he has only gotten up once and even slept through the night once! He feeds about every 30-45 minutes in the evening and she will swaddle him between 8 and 9. The hardest part is getting him to actually fall asleep. He won't fall asleep on his own. He won't fall asleep in your arms if you sitting still. He won't even fall asleep if you're rocking him in a chair. The only way he falls asleep is if you are walking around or bouncing on large exercise ball. Once he's asleep for 10 minutes (somtimes more) he can be layed down in his crib. 

The only problem we're having is that he has an abscess on his butt, right by his pooper. We are going to go to OHSU next week to have them look at it and possibly remove it. Please keep this in your thoughts and prayers.